12 Channel high gray ic ucs9812
Product Overview :
UCS9812 have 12 channel LED driver control of a dedicated high-level grayscale cascade circuit, through the external MCU to control high
Gradation, full-color effec of outdoor big screen. Using a variety of patented technologies, enhanced performance, while strengthening the high-
voltage shock and electrostatic protection, Also increased the variety of anti-jamming technology, it is ideal for high stability requirements and engineering..
1 one-way transmission, enhanced technology shaping forwarding, unlimited cascading
2 output ports PWM control can be achieved 65,536 grayscale adjustment, port scanning frequency 1024Hz / s
3 using pre-18mA / channel constant current mode. Constant high precision on-chip error "of 1.5%, inter-chip error" 3%.
4 Each channel contains a 16-bit grayscale data and four current data, software adjustable current (2.4mA-20.4mA)
5 The data transmission frequency 1.1M / sec can be achieved when the picture refresh rate of 30 frames / sec is not less than 600
6-pin compatible UCS2912
7 Built-chip VDD 5V regulator, pressure is greater than 24V output ports
8 power-on self-test function of blue light
9.80ns output of hysteresis, greatly reducing switching noise
10.S-AI single-wire transmission interference patented technology, can significantly reduce the interference and radiated and conducted interference filter
Application areas:
Guardrail line soft light indoor and outdoor lights and other large-screen
Typical Application Diagram:
12 channel high grad scale ucs9812
Pin Figure(DIP16,SOP16)
Internal functional block diagram
Pin Description
No. Symbol Function Description1
1 VDD Power
2 DOUT Cascade output display data(1.1M)
3,6,12,15 OUTR Red(red) PWM control output
4,7,11,14 OUTG Green(green) PWM control output
5,8,10,13 OUTB Blue(blue) PWM control output
16 DIN (1.1M)
12 channel high grad scale ucs9812
Maximum Ratings ( If no special instructions , Ta = 25 ℃, Vss = 0V)
Parameter Symbol Range Unit
Logic supply voltage Vdd + 5 .5 ~ + 6 .5 V
Withstand voltage Vout 30 V output port
Logic input voltage Vi - 0.5 ~ Vdd + 0.5 V
Operating Temperature Topt - 40 ~ + 85 ℃
Storage temperature Tstg - 55 ~ + 150 ℃
Antistatic ESD 8 0 0 0 V
Rated output power Pd 6 0 0 mW
Recommended operating range ( if no special instructions , Ta = -40 ~ + 85 ℃, Vss = 0V)
Parameter Symbol Min Typical Max Unit Test Conditions
Logic supply voltage Vdd - 5.5 - V -
High input voltage Vih 0.7 Vdd - Vdd V -
Low-level input voltage Vil 0 - 0.3 Vdd V -
Withstand voltage Vout 24 V output port
Electrical parameters ( such as no special instructions , Ta = -40 ~ + 85 ℃, Vss = 0V, Vdd = 4.5 ~ 5.5V)
Parameter Symbol Min Typical Max Unit Test Conditions
Low-level output current Iout - 18 - mA defaults
Low-level output current Ido 30 - mA Vo = 0.4 V, Dout
Input current Ii - ± 1 μA
Output pin current Isink 2.4 18 20.4 mA
High input voltage Vih 0.7 Vdd - V DIN, SET
Low-level input voltage Vil - 0.3 Vdd V DIN, SET
Hysteresis voltage Vh - 0.35 - V DIN, SET
Current offset ( channels ) dIout ± 1.5 ± 3.0% Vds = 1V, Iout = 1 = 18mA
Current offset ( ICs ) dIout ± 3.0 ± 5.0% Vds = 1V, Iout = 18mA
Current offset VS-Vds% dVds ± 0.1 ± 0.5% / V 1V
Current offset VS-Vdd% dVds ± 1.0 ± 2.0% / V 4.5V
Dynamic IDDdyn 1 mA current consumption without load
Power consumption (SOP16) PD 500 mW (Ta = 25 ℃)
Thermal resistance Rth (j-a) 80 190 ℃ / W
12 channel high grad scale ucs9812
Switching Characteristics ( Unless otherwise specified , Ta = -40 ~ + 85 ℃, Vss = 0V, Vdd = 4.5 ~ 5.5V)
Parameter Symbol Min Typical Max Unit Test Conditions
FOSC1 - 20 - MHz Vdd = 5V
Oscillation frequency
FOSC2 - 100 - MHz Vdd = 5V
Propagation delay time Tflz - 300 ns Cl = 15 pF, DIN → DOUT, Rl = 10 kΩ
Fall Time Tthz - 120 μs Cl = 300 pF, OUTR / OUTG / OUTB
Data transfer rate Fd 1.1 - Mbps 50% duty cycle
Input capacitance Ci - 15 pF -
Chip single-wire communication, using methods NRZ transmission signal. Chip power-on reset after accepting a call from the
number of DIN terminal It is , after receiving 240bit enough , DO port starts forwarding data for the next chip to provide input
data. Before forwarding , DO mouth has been pulled Low . At this point the chip will not accept new data , chip OUTR, OUTG, UTB 12 PWM output port according to the data received 240bit ,Set the current value , and issue the corresponding different
duty cycle signal , the signal cycle around 1ms. If the input signal DIN terminal RESET signal , the chip will send the received data and display the current setting value , the chip will accept new data at the end of the signal,After receiving 240bit data
begins forwarding data through the DO port does not receive the chip before RESET code , OUTR, OUTG, OUTB Original pin
output remains unchanged , when low RESET codes received more than 0.5ms , the chip will have just received 240bit PWM
pulse data Wide output to OUTR, OUTG, OUTB pin while setting current depending on the current setting .
12 channel high grad scale ucs9812
2) Data transfer
Note: One end of the transmission data D1 to the MCU, D2, D3, D4 concatenated shaping circuit automatically forwarded data.
3) Data Format UCS9812 240 bits of data, wherein the data structure before 60bit (R1, G1, B1) are as follows:
Note: Left high starting to send data in the order of RGB
4) Timing Waveforms
5) Internal chip readout signal standards:
Name describes typical error range
T0H 0 yards, high time 0.3μs
T1H 1 yards, high time 0.6μs
T0L 0 yards, low time 0.6μs
T1L 1 yards, low time 0.3μs
Treset Reset yards, low time "0. 5ms
6) UCS9812 20bit (per channel) data structure
BIT19-BIT4 grayscale data, 16, up to 65,536 gray
BIT3-BIT0 current value setting data stream.
[bit13 ~ bit0] bit is set OUTR, OUTG, OUTB pin output current value, the values range from 2.4mA-20.4mA, in steps of 1.2mA,
The following table correspond to constant values.
10 into the
Current value (mA).0 0 0 0 0 2.4
0 0 0 1 1 3.6
0 0 1 0 2 4.8
0 0 1 1 3 6
0 1 0 0 4 7.2
0 1 0 1 5 8.4
0 1 1 0 6 9.6
0 1 1 1 7 10.8
1 0 0 0 8 12
1 0 0 1 9 13.2
1 0 1 0 10 14.4
1 0 1 1 11 15.6
1 1 0 0 12 16.8
1 1 0 1 13 18
1 1 1 0 14 19.2
1 1 1 1 15 20.4
Constant Curve
UCS9812 excellent constant current characteristics , current differences between channels or between chips is minimal.
( 1 ) : Maximum current error channels is less than ± 1.5 ℅, while the maximum current error chip is less than ± 3 ℅.
( 2 ) : When the load terminal voltage changes , UCS9812 output current is not affected, as shown below
( 3 ) : The following diagram UCS9812 output current Iout is applied to the port and the port voltage Vds curve
Application circuit diagrams
1 . Supply voltage 5V, with a single LED
Constant current mode can achieve the desired effect of brightness and color temperature remain constant voltage declining simultaneously.
2 . Supply voltage 12V, 3 LED strings per channel application diagram
12V power supply is recommended in the signal input and output terminals of the IC 68 for each series resistor to prevent electric plug or
reverse power and signal lines , etc.
Under damage to the IC input and output.
3 . Supply voltage 24V, 4 to 6 string LED control light application
24V power supply is recommended in the signal input and output terminals of the IC 120 each series resistor to prevent electric plug or the
power and signal lines such as love misconnection
Damage under conditions IC input and output.
Regulators characteristics
UCS9812 capacitance can be configured into 104 P 6 ~ 24V voltage supply , power supply and ground as close to the IC body ,
and the loop of the most Close, but according to the input voltage is different , you should configure different source resistance
R, the resistance list is as follows :
The interface between the power supply voltage is recommended resistor connected to VDD
5V 51 Euro
12V 1K
24V 3K
IC 's maximum operating current range : 1 ~ 30mA. Set the actual use of the IC operating current range : 1 ~ 10mA, operating
current setting bigger, Driving ability , the stronger the signal , the cable may be longer , but it will certainly increase the power
consumption .The above table 24V, series resistance 3k example to calculate IC operating current. The formula is as follows :
Idd = (VCC-5.5) / R1 that Idd = (24-5.5) / 3k = 0.0061A (6.1mA)
Dividing resistor
UCS9812 output port OUT of the chip resistor according to the number of the LED series is adjusted by the LED series resistance
and a stepped down ,The voltage at the OUT port should not exceed 2.5V, this can reduce the chip's power consumption , reduce
heat. UCS9812 output terminal is able to maintain constant
Rely on IC output terminal (OUTRGB) voltage can vary with supply voltage variations or load changes automatically adjusted to
maintain constant output current .UCS9812 automatically adjusts the output of the voltage is a certain range , the minimum can
to 0.6V (17mA),, adjust the upper limit of no more than the maximum deadline System, but will be affected by IC maximum power
dissipation PD limit. UCS9812 PD is 600mW. Greater long time not to exceed PD -power operation , otherwise IC can cause damage .
1 When to apply Applications Figure 36 beads series , port (OUTRGB) current setting 17mA, port (OUTRGB) 3V voltage design values ,
for example, First described IC port power situation ( 3-channel simultaneous output , bright white light )
OUTR port Power consumption : 17mA * 3V * 4 = 204mW
OUTG port Power consumption : 17mA * 3V * 4 = 204mW
OUTB port Power consumption : 17mA * 3V * 4 = 204mW
Total : 612mW maximum power consumption has to IC . Power consumption is generally less than the normal full- screen white 2 / 3
The following sub- values calculated pressure resistance :
Rr = (24V-3V-6 * 1.9V) / 17mA = 560 Supply Voltage 24V, 6 string , the red light turn-on voltage to 1.9V account
Rg = (24V-3V-6 * 3.1V) / 17mA = 140 Supply Voltage 24V, 6 string , green turn-on voltage to 3.1V account
Rb = (24V-3V-6 * 3.1V) / 17mA = 140 Supply Voltage 24V, 6 string , blue lights turn-on voltage to 3.1V account
In this case , the power supply voltage drop from 24V 2.4V (3V-0.6V) can maintain constant state to 21.6V when .
UCS9812 divider resistor value selection table
Supply voltage divider resistors lamp bead number (Ohms ) Package Type
A string (17mA) R-417 B, G-347 R, G, B-0805
12 V 2 strings (17mA) R-305 B, G-164 R, G, B-0805
3 series (17mA) R-220 0805
4 string R-788 B, G-505 R, G, B-1206
24 V 5 string R-676 B, G-320 R-1206, B, G-0805
6 series R-560 B, G-140 R-1206, B, G-0805
Application Notes
IC can be normal and stable work closely with the correct application , proper good external components and IC design is stable work
Foundation. Based on the above point of departure , we recommend that customers in the production process carried out in strict
accordance with the following recommendations in order to ensure stable and reliable products .1 . When cascaded applications ,
in order to ensure effective common ground between points normal signal transmission.
2 . When 24V power input and DOUT DIN output for each IC are important to Europe than the 120 series protection resistors and
resistor should be located closest Near IC input and output . 12V power supply when the signal inputs and outputs sure each series
resistance above 51 Euro .
3 . UCS9812 VDD end of the built-in regulator, without adding 78L05, but it should be noted that ( at 24V supply ) at the end between
24V and VDD Be sure to connect a resistor value of this resistor is recommended 3K, resistance power resistors are recommended
values selected 1/4W 12V power supply to 1K.
4 . To reduce the impact of interference on the power series with signal transmission , power line , and the board should take a capacitor 106 .
5. Application UCS9812 when drawing board to pay attention to the signal ground (GND) lines, ground should be painted thick, too thin in the
ground may cause signal transmission Lose instability, jitter and other non- normal.
6. When wiring board , may produce a higher voltage traces ( such as 24V power cable, the connection between the LED , etc. ) away from the
signal line (DIN, DOUT) and 5V lines, to avoid burning IC process when the system board problems caused by dark connection.
7 . To reduce the high-frequency interference between each IC power and ground should be in parallel with a capacitor 104 , 104 should be closest to the IC 's power
supply and ground, And requires power lines should go through 104 and then IC.
8. UCS9812 constant current output , be sure to pay attention to the RGB output of the divider resistors in series with the selection . Constant
voltage divider resistors and IC selects the output IC constant current limiting resistor selection mode values are completely different. Improperly
selected value can damage the IC.
LC8822 LED